Popular questions

Frequently asked questions

  • How can I purchase the courses?
    Purchasing our courses is easy and convenient - visit our website, select your desired courses, and proceed with a payment procedure.
  • How can I get a course certificate?
    Get in touch with us after you complete your course. Someone from our team will assist you to get the certificate.
  • Which payment methods are supported?
    Our online payment system lets you pay using Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover card. It makes sure your online transaction is safe.
  • Can I upgrade my membership plan?
    Yes, there is no problem upgrading your membership plan.
  • How can I cancel my subscription plan?
    Message us directly. Also, you can cancel your subscription from your own PayPal account.
  • Can I buy a course individually?
    Yes. All you need to do is message or email us. Our support team will assist you and assign you a mentor.
  • Can I pay via multiple payment gateways?
    Yes, we offer different pay methods to make it easy for you. This lets you choose the best option when signing up for a course.
Limited time offer

50% Discount on all of our new & upcoming courses

Learning Tact offers a 50% discount on all professional courses for individuals. ENROLL NOW in your desired course and have a successful freelancing career.